Recent Mining News
Cowley Creek
This map shows the Cowley Creek area which is currently being impacted by mining exploration. YCS is reviewing the proximity of active mining claims to residential areas in and around Whitehorse. We have created a series of maps to highlight this close proximity (more will be shared in the near future).
A mining company, Gladiator Metals, is doing class 1 quartz exploration project immediately adjacent to Cowley Creek, a rural subdivision of Whitehorse. Class 1 doesn’t require a YESAB assessment There’s been a lot of mess created, so bad in fact that even EMR mining inspectors found problems at the site. These ranged from gouging the road to having drill fluid seep. YG has taken the company to court where they have been fined $43,700.
Now the local residents are organizing – find them on FB.
Media coverage at and at
Michelle Creek
The Yukon Government (YG) took the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) to court over YESAB’s recommendation on this quartz exploration project that it not proceed. YG’s view is that the YESAB recommendation to be redone because there isn’t enough baseline data. Note that this is the first project assessed by YESAB in the area managed by the Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan. The Yukon Conservation Society has a copy of the YG Petition to the Court, and YESAB’s response.
Email Lewis at for electronic copies.
Media coverage at and a YG press release on the issue at
Kudz Ze Kayah (proposed zinc mine)
Status: Awaiting the Yukon Supreme Court ruling. The Ross River Dena Council filed a petition for a judicial review of how the decision bodies — Natural Resources Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and YG — signed off on the project after an environmental and socio-economic assessment, despite two alleged failures on the part of the Crown — to properly consult, and to ensure procedural fairness.
The ruling (anticipated any week now) will be posted via Yukon Courts.
Some media coverage at and at
Minto Copper Mine
The mine operator abandoned the site and it is now in the hands of the receiver, although the Yukon Government is now doing care and maintenance. The receiver is attempting to sell the site. There isn’t enough financial security (YG holds about $75 million, but had requested another $18 million on top of that) to do a full closure and reclamation without taxpayers paying for some of the work. Water quality documents are available through the Yukon Water Board (click on the Waterline button, enter as a guest, and search for QZ14-031-2). Documents relating to the bankruptcy issues available through PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.
Media coverage at and
Lewis Rifkind was also interviewed this week by CBC News | Receiver puts abandoned Minto mine in the Yukon up for sale | Jackie Hong.
"There's a lot of money that's going to be required just to financially stabilize the site, let alone, you know, once you put boots on the ground, the environmental work [and] all that sort of stuff," Lewis said.
"Was it Mark Twain that said, you know, a mine is nothing more than a hole in the ground owned by a liar? Unfortunately we, as in Yukoners and the government, are the owners of this particular hole so it'll be interesting to see if anyone actually does put a bid in for the entire project."
Mt Nansen
Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation has requested that the Yukon Water Board convene a hearing to force the entity in charge of the Mt Nansen mine cleanup to actually meet the conditions of the water licence, to which the YWB has agreed. Contaminated water is currently being released, harming the surrounding environment. Check out Yukon Water Board for more (click on the Waterline button, enter as a guest, and look for YWB QZ23-015, Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, Quartz Mining, Application (Board Review), Water Use Dispute).
Media coverage at