Clean Energy
Our Vision
We envision a sustainable energy future for the Yukon.
A Yukon where energy use, carbon emissions, and peak electricity demand are drastically reduced.
A Yukon where local, low-impact renewable energy projects are developed to displace the use of imported fossil fuels.
A Yukon with an energy grid that provides resilience and local economic development opportunities for communities.
Our vision informs our efforts to promote energy conservation & efficiency that will help reduce energy usage and waste, as well as the strain of peak demand.
Our Goals
Transition to Renewables
Champion Sustainable Energy Sources
Make a tangible impact on the transition from imported fossil fuels to low-impact hydroelectricity, wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy through direct action
Educate on Renewables
Encourage the adoption of renewable sources through increased public awareness & education
Advocate for Clean Energy
Provide a voice to local regulatory bodies that encourages renewables-focused development and solutions for minimizing energy consumption
Reduce Consumption
Beat the Peak
Reduce peak energy demand by integrating innovative technologies & solutions, as well as educating the public on the implications of peak demand
Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Minimize fossil fuel usage in the Yukon’s leading areas of consumption, the transportation & space heating sectors.
Contribute to Greener Homes
Encourage energy-conscious development of new buildings and stimulants for energy retrofits in older buildings, particularly for low-income households
Current Initiatives
Renewable Heating Project - Phase II
Phase I of our Renewable Heating (RH) Project was a success, with YCS installing electric thermal storage (ETS) units and/or air source heat pumps in 45 Yukon households to reduce GHG emissions & peak demand strains. Phase II will involve partnering with local organizations, securing additional funding, and continuing to install RH systems and energy retrofits in Yukon households.
The Yukon’s First Carbon Offset Program
As part of the Renewable Heating Project, we’re launching the Yukon Renewable Heating Fund, a first-of-its-kind opportunity for Yukon organizations to offset carbon emissions through a grassroots initiative. Funds will directly support the installation of renewable heating systems & energy retrofits in low-income households to reduce GHG emissions across the territory.
Want to Learn More?
Research is a big part of what we do at YCS. Check out our most recent conservation research and blog articles across all our key initiatives!
Coming soon...
Mapping out mining claims that overlap with residential areas in the City of Whitehorse. How are claims staked? How do mines become operational? What protections exist for residents? What mining claims could impact the health of people and wildlife in your community? What can you do about it?