Our Mission

Protecting & Conserving the Yukon’s Landscapes

Wildlife Conservation

a red fox, one of the countless yukon species that need protection

Fighting to Protect 482K Square Kilometres of Wildlife Habitat

  • Advocate for strong land use planning that prioritizes future generations of Yukoners

  • Consider vital ecosystems and at-risk wildlife in development processes

  • Researching wildlife habitat

  • Work to ensure healthy habitats for fish & wildlife populations

  • Supporting humane & sustainable harvesting

an ecosystem ripped apart by unsustainable mining operations

Mining Oversight

Overseeing 150+ Mining & Exploration Projects

  • Serving as a watchdog over current and proposed projects

  • Participating in licensing & assessment processes

  • Monitoring mine cleanups & remediation

  • “Translating” technical reports into accessible materials for the public

  • Engaging Yukoners on important conservation issues & how they can contribute to solutions

Clean Energy

wind turbines generating renewable electricity in the yukon

Installing Renewable Heating Systems in Yukon Households

  • Promoting energy conservation & efficiency in the Yukon

  • Advocating for the replacement of imported fossil fuels with local, low impact renewable energy

  • Actively installing renewable heating systems in Yukon households to combat peak energy demand & fossil fuel consumption


a conservationist educating kids on nature and biology

Spreading Awareness Among the Yukon’s 45K Residents

  • Offering free cultural & eco-focused interpretive programming through guided hikes

  • Providing workshops, events, and opportunities to learn & engage with nature

  • Educating & spreading awareness on potentially harmful mining issues

  • Providing an environmental perspective to mining practices