Our Mission
Protecting & Conserving the Yukon’s Landscapes
Wildlife Conservation
Fighting to Protect 482K Square Kilometres of Wildlife Habitat
Advocate for strong land use planning that prioritizes future generations of Yukoners.
Consider vital ecosystems and at-risk wildlife in development processes.
Researching wildlife habitat
Work to ensure healthy habitats for fish & wildlife populations.
Supporting humane & sustainable harvesting.
Mining Oversight
Overseeing 150+ Mining & Exploration Projects
“Translating” technical reports into accessible materials for the public.
Engaging Yukoners on important conservation issues & how they can contribute to solutions.
Serving as a watchdog over current and proposed projects.
Participating in licensing & assessment processes.
Monitoring mine cleanups & remediation.
Clean Energy
Installing Renewable Heating Systems in Yukon Households
Promoting energy conservation & efficiency in the Yukon.
Advocating for the replacement of imported fossil fuels with local, low impact renewable energy.
Actively installing renewable heating systems in Yukon households to combat peak energy demand & fossil fuel consumption.
Spreading Awareness Among the Yukon’s 45K Residents
Educating & spreading awareness on potentially harmful mining issues.
Providing an environmental perspective to mining practices.
Offering free cultural & eco-focused interpretive programming through guided hikes.
Providing workshops, events, and opportunities to learn & engage with nature.