Our Vision
We imagine a Yukon where fish & wildlife thrive in healthy habitat.
A Yukon where sustainable and ethical hunting & gathering persist indefinitely.
A Yukon where land use plans embody the spirit & intent of reconciliation.
A Yukon that is intact for our future generations, as pristine & awe-inspiring for our children as it is for us.
This vision is the foundation of our work in fighting for, ensuring, and sustaining healthy ecosystems for the Yukon’s fish & wildlife populations to thrive in. Our conservation work is focused on two priority areas: Wildlife Protection & Land Use Planning.
Our Goals
Wildlife Protection
Research caribou herds, monitor population levels, and assess risks to preserve the Yukon’s uniquely intact caribou herds
Encourage adoption of the Moose Harvest Framework to monitor populations, set harvest limits, and implement adaptive management systems
Grizzly Bears
Protect grizzly bear populations & see that the species is respected as a valuable part of the Yukon’s biocultural diversity
Restore salmon populations to former levels and see the return of successful salmon runs for cultural harvesting
Land Use Planning
Eco-Focused Land Use Planning
Lend our voice toward Land Use Planning across the Yukon and provide our perspective in how ecosystems and their components should be utilized
Lead efforts to advocate for special conservation status for wetlands, which offer unique wildlife habitats and provide essential services such as carbon capture & water filtration
Road Ecology
Promote informed choices about building access roads and educate on the ecological risks involved
Support efforts to regulate off-road vehicle use in designated areas to protect vulnerable alpine and wetland habitats
Current Initiatives
Land Use & Park Planning
YCS is focused on two emerging plans - the Dawson Land Use Regional Plan and the Beaver River Sub-regional Plan. Through these land use planning processes, we are advocating for a plan that prioritizes conservation and the preservation of key ecosystems. YCS also contributes to new park plans and plan reviews.
Yukon South Beringia Priority Place Initiative
YCS is leading the communications for the Yukon South Beringia Priority Place Initiative, part of the federal government’s conservation plan for species at risk. The Yukon’s South Beringia region is unique for its geologic and glacial history, and is home to a number of endemic and at-risk species.
Want to Learn More?
Research is a big part of what we do at YCS. Check out our most recent conservation research and blog articles across all our key initiatives!
2024 Report on the Clear Creek and Klaza Caribou Herds - 2024
A study on industrial disturbances in the ranges of two Yukon caribou herds as critical levels rapidly approach
Caribou Story Map - 2024
Analyzing one of the Yukon’s most critical keystone species, their impact on the environment, and they are a research focus here at YCS
Grizzly Bear Position Paper - 2020
YCS’s stance on the importance of grizzly bear populations and their valuable contributions to ecosystems
Roads: A Love Hate Relationship
While roads connect fragmented towns for us humans, they also fragment wildlife populations and pose a wide range of ecological implications.
Coming Soon...
Mapping out mining claims that overlap with residential areas in the City of Whitehorse. How are claims staked? How do mines become operational? What protections exist for residents? What mining claims could impact the health of people and wildlife in your community? What can you do about it?