Our Staff

Meet the team fighting for sustainability in the Yukon

  • Emmett Lamache



    (Em), was born in Quebec, grew up in Edmonton Alberta, spent a portion of each year in northern France until well into adulthood, and identifies strongly as a Franco-Albertan. Emmett has relocated to the Yukon from Edmonton with their wife and two small children, as part of the fulfillment of a deeply held hope to live in a more connected and environmentally harmonious way.

    Em began their nonprofit career as a founding member of the Comité FrancoQueer de l’Ouest and they have held roles as disparate as the vice-director of a francophone art gallery, senior policy analyst for the CMHC, and executive director of a national nonprofit. Their least favourite job was at a carwash.

    Emmett is deeply passionate about change management, anti-colonial and anti-racist environmentalism, and working to nurture psychologically safer workplaces. Em is a sincere and earnest communicator and advocate and is looking forward to serving the Yukon in their role as the Executive Director of the Yukon Conservation Society.

  • Sarah-Juliet Nadler



    BSc (Biology), BFA (Cross-Disciplinary Life Studies), PGC (Environmental Visual Communications)

    Sarah-Juliet is a multimedia artist, scientist and storyteller. SJ was raised on the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (Caledon, Ontario).

    She is interested in contributing to environmental conservation, restoration and sustainability initiatives through collaboration, intersectional project work, public education, and creative communications. SJ is into hiking, fungi and mycorestoration, decomposition and anatomy, ecosystem dynamics and ecological interactions, experimental film and documenting temporal change, as well as life drawing and making art out of found materials.

  • Sebastian Jones



    Sebastian has been a member of the Dawson Renewable Resources Council and is now vice-Chair of the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board. He has also worked for the Northern Climate ExChange and the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation. Sebastian was a Director of the Conservation Klondike Society from 2005 to 2009, and was on the board of YCS until becoming the Peel Watershed Coordinator in 2011. He then became one of YCS’s Energy Analysts, commenting on government policy related to energy, oil and gas, and climate change.

    He is now the YCS lead on fish, wildlife and habitat issues, including land use planning, wetlands protection and land use policies. Sebastian also keeps our membership informed through writing and media and he works on mining issues that impact fish and wildlife.

Contact Us

You can reach the YCS office by phone at 867-668-5678 or by email at info@yukonconservation.ca.

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