
Legislative Resources

Off-Road Vehicle Regulations

Off road vehicles (ORVs) including quads, argos, dirt bikes (but not, for the purpose of this regulation, snow machines), have the potential to damage vulnerable habitat such as the alpine and wetlands. Yukon is one of the last jurisdictions in Canada to regulate off-road-vehicles (ORVs). The Yukon has been trying to address these issues since the 1980s. In 2015 and 2019, the Government of Yukon engaged Yukoners on the topic of regulation and proposed ORV Management Areas (ORVMAs) in 2021, they released their ORV Management Areas Regulation. YCS participated in all consultations and released a joint news conference about the new regulations along with TOYA. Trails Only Yukon Association (YOYA) has also been advocating for ORV management in the territory. To learn more about their work and a history of ORV management initiatives (1981-2018), please visit their website:

For how you can reduce your ORV impact on the environment, see more resources in Outdoor Education’s Education/Outreach page.


Below, you will find our submissions to the Yukon Water Board as part of the Public Interest Hearing Regarding Placer Mining In Wetlands Information Request.

For more presentations about wetlands, see resources in Conservation’s Education/Outreach page.

