Legacy Gifts

The Gift of Long-Term Support

Leave a lasting legacy to the Yukon’s environment by including the Yukon Conservation Society in your will. Your gift will help protect the unique ecosystems, wildlife, and nature of the Yukon for future generations.

By supporting our conservation efforts on an ongoing basis, you can ensure an enduring impact on our mission for a sustainable Yukon.

Leave YCS in your will

It’s easy to leave a legacy gift in your will. You can bequeath the residue in whole or as a percentage. The residue is what remains after taxes, admin expenses, and the gifts or proportions owed to your heirs.

Here’s some example wording that can be included in your will:

“I bequeath the residue of my Estate (or _______% of the residue of my Estate) to The Yukon Conservation Society.” 

Another way is to name a specific amount:

Sample wording:  “I give $______ to support the work of The Yukon Conservation Society.”

Gift of Property

Your legacy gift isn’t restricted to monetary donations. Legacy donors can also leave behind houses, property, and/or land to the Yukon Conservation Society. In fact, this is how our current offices at the Ted Parnell House came into being!

Example wording to leave behind a property in your will:

“I bequeath my right, title, and interest in the property located at [Address of the Property] to the Yukon Conservation Society, to be used or disposed of as the Society deems appropriate to support its mission of environmental conservation."

Have Questions?

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about how to leave behind legacy gifts or if you’re not seeing an option that works for you.