New Mineral Legislation Update

The Yukon Government, in collaboration with Yukon First Nations, has developed approaches for New Minerals Legislation. There’s a discussion paper, a condensed version, and a survey to be completed by May 9th, 2023. YCS has identified key issues in response to the points raised by the survey, and encourages all Yukoners to participate in submitting comments.

You don’t have to agree with the stance that YCS is taking, but we do encourage you to consider the environment when either taking the survey or submitting emailed comments to More from YG, including open houses can be found here.

Suggestions for the New Mineral Legislation Survey

Yukon Mineral Development Strategy

In early 2017, the Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations set out to establish a Yukon Mineral Development Strategy (YMDS), which recognizes Reconciliation, collaboration and accountability as core to transforming the Yukon’s mineral industry for the benefit all Yukoners. Led by a panel appointed in 2019, the engagement process took 16 months to complete. YCS provided a number of submissions as part of the engagement.

Yukon Conservation Society’s Top 4 ‘Asks’ for the YMDS:

1. Reform Free Entry Staking

The Yukon must reform its mineral staking policy. Major exploration or mine development staking claims must be assessed for their socio-economic and environmental impacts.

2. Yukon Needs Impact Benefit Agreements

A requirement for a community benefits agreement should be included in the new Yukon mineral legislation.


3. Increase the Royalties

For every privately mined ounce of placer gold, largely mined by outside corporations, the Yukon public receives 37.5 cents. The price of an ounce of gold in mid August of 2020 was over two thousand dollars an ounce. For quartz metals (such as gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc etc.), the calculation is complicated and still yields unfair prices for publicly-owned resources. Royalty rates for placer and quartz mining must be reformed.

4. Make The Companies Perform And Pay For Mine Closure

All mineral development and exploration must include a reclamation plan. Developed mines must also include a closure plan that includes monitoring. The costs for closure and reclamation must be fully-covered by the mine owners through a pre-work security fund. If a pre-work security fund is not provided, mineral development proposals must not be accepted. 

